
  • High Intensity Orange Dream Fire Pastel Spider
  • Incomplete Dominate X Incomplete Dominate X Incomplete Dominate X Incomplete Dominate

High Intensity Orange Dream: This an incomplete dominate. The High Intensity Orange Dream is more Intense and brightly colored than a regular Orange Dream.  But I will let the orginator of Orange Dream and High Intensity Orange Dream genes speak to this gene in his own words.

“The High Intensity Orange Dream… a few notes.

This line of OD has been both a blessing and a curse. The single gene ODs from these animals can be so clean that they appear to be Super. “
– Amad “Ozzy” Osman

Note: We also a female clutch mate to this one with Orange Dream Fire Spider Pastel the difference in color between the High Intensity Orange Dream and Orange Dream is night and day. Can’t wait to work these into our breeding projects.


Fire: Incomplete Dominate. Identified as Bright and clean with a strong head spot.

Spider: Dominate (There is much debate about it being an Incomplete Dominate with a Super Form) A pattern changer gene it presents as a spider web pattern and white coming up the sides from the bottom.

Pastel: The Pastel is an incomplete dominant or what many refer to as Co-Dominant mutation that produces a Ball Python that intensifies the yellow pigmentation to various degrees. High blushing, green or pale eyes, and white lips are also prominent features. All pastels at birth have faded heads but tend to darken up a bit as they get older although some still retain the fade. The pastel also possesses a very clean underside.  The homozygous or super form of the Pastel is a snake that usually retains its yellow coloration, has a more reduced pattern, a considerably faded head and extensive blushing throughout that often takes on a “purple-haze”. When breed to a normal 50% Pastels and 50% Normals. A Pastel bred to a Pastel will produce 25% Super Pastels, 50% Pastels, 25% Normals.


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