Clutch ID: 202101_CGBladeClownxF03
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown_03
- Eggs Laid: 9 good 870g
- Date Laid: 6/5/21
- Expected Htach Date: 7/30/21
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
Repeat of last years pairing.
This pairing was between our Coral Glow Blade Clown to a proven Het Clown female.
Clutch ID: 2021_02 CG Blade ClownxHet_Clown_Fo2
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown_02
- Eggs Laid:
- Date Laid: 6/10/21
- Expected Htach Date: 8/4/21
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClownHet ClownF01-2018-01
- Date Laid:: 05/13/2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown F01
Eggs Laid: Total: 10 Slugs:1 Hatched: 8 Failed to hatch: 1 - Date Hatched: July 2, 2018
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClown X VPI Het Axanthic-2018-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: VPI Het Axanthic
- Eggs Laid:
- Date Hatched:
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Clown x Fire 2018-01
- Date Laid: 04/14/18
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Fire
- Eggs Laid: 6 Total 5 Good 1 slug
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID: LeopardBlade x Normal 2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Leopard Blade
Dame: Normal-Fo1 - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID:LeopardBlade x HGWG YB Vanilla- 2018-01
CoralGlowBladeClown X HGWG YB Vanilla-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Date Laid: July 5, 2018
- Eggs Laid: 6: 1 Bad 5 Good
- Date Hatched: September 4, 2018
Daul sired Pairing Leopard Blade and Coral Glow Blade Clown to our Hidden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla. Making holdbacks for future projects. But we do plan to make most of the males available. Never witnessed a lock with the Leopard Blade, but the Coral Glow Blade Clown locked up multiple times.
Update: 9/4/18- All 5 hatchlings are out. All 5 are Coral Glow Combos leaving zero doubt that the Coral Glow Blade Clown sired this clutch.
Clutch ID: Piebald x 100% Double Het Ghost Piebald
- Date Laid: July 4, 2018
- Sire 1: Piebald
- Dame: 100% Double Het Pied/Ghost
- Eggs Laid:? 6
- Date Expected: August 28, 2018
- Date Hatched: September 3, 2018
Clutch ID: GDPiedxPastelPied-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Pastel Pied – PastelPied13F-01
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
Repeat of last years pairing.
This pairing was between a really bright male piebald and our Pastel Pied. This pairing was done specifically to isolate the genes in our Pastel Pied female. The males from last season didn’t want to go so we did a repeat of last season’s pairing. Some of the girls from last years pairing will likely go early next season.
Update: Turns out the bright male piebald has an extra unidentified gene. We are currently working with a few other breeders to identify this gene. At this time the theory is that it may be similar to Pete Kahl’s “Golden line” pied or Justin Koyblka’s Gene X. For now we are calling this new gene Genetic Dreams Line Pieds. We have it isolated and have a few other pairings this season so we will find out if it’s recessive or an incomplete dominate.
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Blade Clown x Pied-2018-01
- Date Laid: Sept 5, 2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Pied
- Eggs Laid: 8 Total 1 Slug 7 Good
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClownHet ClownF01-2018-01
- Date Laid:: 05/13/2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown F01
Eggs Laid: Total: 10 Slugs:1 Hatched: 8 Failed to hatch: 1 - Date Hatched: July 2, 2018
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClown X VPI Het Axanthic-2018-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: VPI Het Axanthic
- Eggs Laid:
- Date Hatched:
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Clown x Fire 2018-01
- Date Laid: 04/14/18
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Fire
- Eggs Laid: 6 Total 5 Good 1 slug
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID: LeopardBlade x Normal 2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Leopard Blade
Dame: Normal-Fo1 - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID:LeopardBlade x HGWG YB Vanilla- 2018-01
CoralGlowBladeClown X HGWG YB Vanilla-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Date Laid: July 5, 2018
- Eggs Laid: 6: 1 Bad 5 Good
- Date Hatched: September 4, 2018
Daul sired Pairing Leopard Blade and Coral Glow Blade Clown to our Hidden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla. Making holdbacks for future projects. But we do plan to make most of the males available. Never witnessed a lock with the Leopard Blade, but the Coral Glow Blade Clown locked up multiple times.
Update: 9/4/18- All 5 hatchlings are out. All 5 are Coral Glow Combos leaving zero doubt that the Coral Glow Blade Clown sired this clutch.
Clutch ID: Piebald x 100% Double Het Ghost Piebald
- Date Laid: July 4, 2018
- Sire 1: Piebald
- Dame: 100% Double Het Pied/Ghost
- Eggs Laid:? 6
- Date Expected: August 28, 2018
- Date Hatched: September 3, 2018
Clutch ID: GDPiedxPastelPied-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Pastel Pied – PastelPied13F-01
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
Repeat of last years pairing.
This pairing was between a really bright male piebald and our Pastel Pied. This pairing was done specifically to isolate the genes in our Pastel Pied female. The males from last season didn’t want to go so we did a repeat of last season’s pairing. Some of the girls from last years pairing will likely go early next season.
Update: Turns out the bright male piebald has an extra unidentified gene. We are currently working with a few other breeders to identify this gene. At this time the theory is that it may be similar to Pete Kahl’s “Golden line” pied or Justin Koyblka’s Gene X. For now we are calling this new gene Genetic Dreams Line Pieds. We have it isolated and have a few other pairings this season so we will find out if it’s recessive or an incomplete dominate.
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Blade Clown x Pied-2018-01
- Date Laid: Sept 5, 2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Pied
- Eggs Laid: 8 Total 1 Slug 7 Good
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClownHet ClownF01-2018-01
- Date Laid:: 05/13/2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown F01
Eggs Laid: Total: 10 Slugs:1 Hatched: 8 Failed to hatch: 1 - Date Hatched: July 2, 2018
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClown X VPI Het Axanthic-2018-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: VPI Het Axanthic
- Eggs Laid:
- Date Hatched:
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Clown x Fire 2018-01
- Date Laid: 04/14/18
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Fire
- Eggs Laid: 6 Total 5 Good 1 slug
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID: LeopardBlade x Normal 2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Leopard Blade
Dame: Normal-Fo1 - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID:LeopardBlade x HGWG YB Vanilla- 2018-01
CoralGlowBladeClown X HGWG YB Vanilla-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Date Laid: July 5, 2018
- Eggs Laid: 6: 1 Bad 5 Good
- Date Hatched: September 4, 2018
Daul sired Pairing Leopard Blade and Coral Glow Blade Clown to our Hidden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla. Making holdbacks for future projects. But we do plan to make most of the males available. Never witnessed a lock with the Leopard Blade, but the Coral Glow Blade Clown locked up multiple times.
Update: 9/4/18- All 5 hatchlings are out. All 5 are Coral Glow Combos leaving zero doubt that the Coral Glow Blade Clown sired this clutch.
Clutch ID: Piebald x 100% Double Het Ghost Piebald
- Date Laid: July 4, 2018
- Sire 1: Piebald
- Dame: 100% Double Het Pied/Ghost
- Eggs Laid:? 6
- Date Expected: August 28, 2018
- Date Hatched: September 3, 2018
Clutch ID: GDPiedxPastelPied-2016-01
- Date Laid: Aug 31, 2016
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Pastel Pied – PastelPied13F-01
- Eggs Laid: 5 Good 0 bad
- Date Hatched: Oct 25, 2016
- Gender: 2.3
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
This pairing was between a really bright male piebald and our Pastel Pied. This pairing was done specifically to isolate the genes in our Pastel Pied female.
Update: Turns out the bright male piebald has an extra unidentified gene. We are currently working with a few other breeders to identify this gene. At this time the theory is that it may be similar to Pete Kahl’s “Golden line” pied or Justin Koyblka’s Gene X. For now we are calling this new gene Genetic Dreams Line Pieds. We have it isolated and have a few other pairings this season so we will find out if it’s recessive or an incomplete dominate.
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied -GDPied13M-01
- Dame: HetPied03
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Female Maker Male 01 x Sulfur 2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Sulfur- Sulfur-F12
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
LeopardBlade x Normal
- Date Laid:
- Sire: Test
Dame: Test - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: ?, ??, 2016
Leopard Blade x HGW YB Vanilla
- Date Laid:
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Mojave Lesser Hypo
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Eggs Laid:? Eggs
- Date Hatched: ?, ??, 2016
Dual Sired Clutch. Leopard Blade Male & Mojave Lesser Hypo male paired to our Hiden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla.
Clutch ID: PiedPastelPied-2016-01
- Date Layed: Nov 14th, 2015
- Sire: Pastel Leopard Clown
- Dame: Lavender
- Eggs Layed: 5 Eggs
- Date Hatched: Jan 10th, 2016
Clutch ID: GDPiedxPastelPied-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Pastel Pied – PastelPied13F-01
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
Repeat of last years pairing.
This pairing was between a really bright male piebald and our Pastel Pied. This pairing was done specifically to isolate the genes in our Pastel Pied female. The males from last season didn’t want to go so we did a repeat of last season’s pairing. Some of the girls from last years pairing will likely go early next season.
Update: Turns out the bright male piebald has an extra unidentified gene. We are currently working with a few other breeders to identify this gene. At this time the theory is that it may be similar to Pete Kahl’s “Golden line” pied or Justin Koyblka’s Gene X. For now we are calling this new gene Genetic Dreams Line Pieds. We have it isolated and have a few other pairings this season so we will find out if it’s recessive or an incomplete dominate.
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Blade Clown x Pied-2018-01
- Date Laid: Sept 5, 2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Pied
- Eggs Laid: 8 Total 1 Slug 7 Good
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClownHet ClownF01-2018-01
- Date Laid:: 05/13/2018
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Het Clown F01
Eggs Laid: Total: 10 Slugs:1 Hatched: 8 Failed to hatch: 1 - Date Hatched: July 2, 2018
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: CGBladeClown X VPI Het Axanthic-2018-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: VPI Het Axanthic
- Eggs Laid:
- Date Hatched:
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Clown x Fire 2018-01
- Date Laid: 04/14/18
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Fire
- Eggs Laid: 6 Total 5 Good 1 slug
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID: LeopardBlade x Normal 2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Leopard Blade
Dame: Normal-Fo1 - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: TBD
Clutch ID:LeopardBlade x HGWG YB Vanilla- 2018-01
CoralGlowBladeClown X HGWG YB Vanilla-2018-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Coral Glow Blade Clown
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Date Laid: July 5, 2018
- Eggs Laid: 6: 1 Bad 5 Good
- Date Hatched: September 4, 2018
Daul sired Pairing Leopard Blade and Coral Glow Blade Clown to our Hidden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla. Making holdbacks for future projects. But we do plan to make most of the males available. Never witnessed a lock with the Leopard Blade, but the Coral Glow Blade Clown locked up multiple times.
Update: 9/4/18- All 5 hatchlings are out. All 5 are Coral Glow Combos leaving zero doubt that the Coral Glow Blade Clown sired this clutch.
Clutch ID: Piebald x 100% Double Het Ghost Piebald
- Date Laid: July 4, 2018
- Sire 1: Piebald
- Dame: 100% Double Het Pied/Ghost
- Eggs Laid:? 6
- Date Expected: August 28, 2018
- Date Hatched: September 3, 2018
Clutch ID: GDPiedxPastelPied-2016-01
- Date Laid: Aug 31, 2016
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Pastel Pied – PastelPied13F-01
- Eggs Laid: 5 Good 0 bad
- Date Hatched: Oct 25, 2016
- Gender: 2.3
GD Piebald x GD Pastel Piebald 2016-01
This pairing was between a really bright male piebald and our Pastel Pied. This pairing was done specifically to isolate the genes in our Pastel Pied female.
Update: Turns out the bright male piebald has an extra unidentified gene. We are currently working with a few other breeders to identify this gene. At this time the theory is that it may be similar to Pete Kahl’s “Golden line” pied or Justin Koyblka’s Gene X. For now we are calling this new gene Genetic Dreams Line Pieds. We have it isolated and have a few other pairings this season so we will find out if it’s recessive or an incomplete dominate.
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Piebald – GDPied13M-01
- Dame: Het Piebald – HetPied03-F
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: GDPiedxHetPied03-2016-01
- Date Laid:: TBD
- Sire: Genetic Dreams Line Pied -GDPied13M-01
- Dame: HetPied03
- Eggs Laid: TBD
- Date Hatched: TBD
- Gender: TBD
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown
- Dame: Het Clown 01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Glow Clown x Pastel Het Clown-2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Clown-CGClown-01-M-2015
- Dame: Pastel Het Clown- PastelClown-F-01
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
Clutch ID: Coral Female Maker Male 01 x Sulfur 2016-01
- Date Laid: ?
- Sire: Coral Glow Female Maker Male – CG=FMM15
- Dame: Sulfur- Sulfur-F12
- Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: X, x, 2016
LeopardBlade x Normal
- Date Laid:
- Sire: Test
Dame: Test - Eggs Laid: ? Eggs
- Date Hatched: ?, ??, 2016
Leopard Blade x HGW YB Vanilla
- Date Laid:
- Sire 1: Leopard Blade
- Sire 2: Mojave Lesser Hypo
- Dame: Hiden Gene Woma Granite YB Vanilla
- Eggs Laid:? Eggs
- Date Hatched: ?, ??, 2016
Dual Sired Clutch. Leopard Blade Male & Mojave Lesser Hypo male paired to our Hiden Gene Woma Granite Yellowbelly Vanilla.
Clutch ID: PiedPastelPied-2016-01
- Date Layed: Nov 14th, 2015
- Sire: Pastel Leopard Clown
- Dame: Lavender
- Eggs Layed: 5 Eggs
- Date Hatched: Jan 10th, 2016